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Application Deadlines Study Year 2024/25


Inform yourself in advance about the entire admissions process:

Important Information:

The admission of applicants from third countries has already been completed, therefore an application for the academic year 2024/25 is no longer possible for this group of persons! The online application for the academic year 2025/26 will be available from October 2024. 
Exception: Applicants from third countries with the residence permit "Permanent residence - EU". The residence permit must be uploaded in the online application as an addition to the proof of citizenship in order for the application to be considered.

Deadlines Bachelor & Master


  • Application Deadline: Sunday, September 22, 2024

Online-Admission Interview: Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Application documents can only be sent by e-mail to:


Application option Bachelor Degree Programs:

Admission for all other bachelor's degree programs is already closed.


Application option Master Degree Programs:

Admission for all other master's degree programs is already closed.

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