Compulsary resident registration
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Compulsary resident registration

All students – regardless whether they are full-time or exchange students – are obliged to register with the Registration Office of the City of Kufstein within 3 business days of their arrival in Austria or after moving into a different apartment. Registration forms can be obtained at the Registration Office or online.

Securing a Student Visa

Students from member states of the European Union (EU) and Switzerland only need a valid passport for their stay in Austria.

Students from all other countries require a student visa. In order to apply for a student visa, you will need the following documents:

  • The visa application form for students (available at Austrian consulates or embassies in your home country)
  • A valid passport, a copy of the main personal data page
  • Your birth certificate or a copy thereof
  • A recent passport photo
  • Certificate of health insurance (proof that you have insurance coverage in case of illness or accident during your stay in Austria)
  • Proof of sufficient financial funds ort hat you will receive a scholarship
  • Letter of acceptance from the FH Kufstein Tirol (confirmation of enrollment)
  • Certificate of good character (letter of confirmation from the police in your home country stating that you have a clean record)
  • Proof of accommodation during your stay in Austria

For more information on visa requirements and other formalities for entry into Austria, please visit this website.

News of the FH Kufstein

Spannende Innovation Expedition im Rahmen einer Kurzzeitmobilität für Studierende in Litauen

Studierende des Studiengangs Unternehmensführung der Kufsteiner Fachhochschule nahmen erfolgreich an einem Blended Intensive Program in Vilnius teil. Im Vordergrund standen transnationale Zusammenarbeit und kultureller Austausch.

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Neuer Instagram-Kanal der FH Kufstein Tirol stellt Praxisprojekte und Events ins Rampenlicht

Studierende des Studiengangs Sport-, Kultur- & Veranstaltungsmanagement an der FH Kufstein Tirol eröffnen den Instagram-Kanal fhkuf_eventsandprojects. Hier bekommen die Follower einen umfassenden Einblick in die vielzähligen Praxisprojekte.

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Pint of Science Festival erstmalig zu Gast in Kufstein

Das jährlich stattfindende Wissenschaftsfestival hat es sich zum Ziel gemacht, die Öffentlichkeit über aktuelle wissenschaftliche Entwicklungen zu informieren. Dafür halten Wissenschaftler:innen Vorträge an öffentlichen Orten wie Kneipen und Cafés. In Kufstein fand das Festival im BAU! statt.

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