Compulsary resident registration
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Compulsary resident registration

All students – regardless whether they are full-time or exchange students – are obliged to register with the Registration Office of the City of Kufstein within 3 business days of their arrival in Austria or after moving into a different apartment. Registration forms can be obtained at the Registration Office or online.

Securing a Student Visa

Students from member states of the European Union (EU) and Switzerland only need a valid passport for their stay in Austria.

Students from all other countries require a student visa. In order to apply for a student visa, you will need the following documents:

  • The visa application form for students (available at Austrian consulates or embassies in your home country)
  • A valid passport, a copy of the main personal data page
  • Your birth certificate or a copy thereof
  • A recent passport photo
  • Certificate of health insurance (proof that you have insurance coverage in case of illness or accident during your stay in Austria)
  • Proof of sufficient financial funds ort hat you will receive a scholarship
  • Letter of acceptance from the FH Kufstein Tirol (confirmation of enrollment)
  • Certificate of good character (letter of confirmation from the police in your home country stating that you have a clean record)
  • Proof of accommodation during your stay in Austria

For more information on visa requirements and other formalities for entry into Austria, please visit this website.

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