Jorge, incoming student from Ecuador, enjoyed his semester abroad at FH Kufstein Tirol – he describes his experiences as unforgettable.
Jorge Eduardo Torres Toledo
Jorge, incoming student from Ecuador, enjoyed his semester abroad at FH Kufstein Tirol – he describes his experiences as unforgettable.

Incoming Story: Journey of personal growth and global engagement

21.07.2023 | International
Jorge Eduardo Torres Toledo was an incoming student at the FH Kufstein Tirol where he spent his semester abroad. His home university is the Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE) where he studies economics.

I can tell everybody that I feel blessed with the time I spent at FH Kufstein Tirol. This opportunity was handed by my home institution “Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE)” and I am proud of gaining valuable insights into global business practices and of broadening my horizons in the field of International Business.

From February 27th, 2023, to July 14th, 2023, I had the opportunity to study at FH Kufstein Tirol University of Applied Sciences in Tyrol, Austria. I was much impressed by the professional teachers and the practical knowledge and global views they offered inside and outside the classroom. I was also struck by the modern facilities the university provided and by the culturally diverse student community, which contributed significantly to me enjoying a tremendous adventure full of learning and personal growth.

Great Practical Relevance

Academically I found myself exposed to a curriculum full of lectures that combined theoretical knowledge with practical applications. I had the chance of diving into many fields that I found interesting to my career, including Conflict Management, Business Mediation, Trends in International Finance and many more. Besides I also took the opportunity to study German Language for Beginners.

This mixture of courses not only opened my understanding for international business but also provided me with valuable insights into business operations in a globalized world where psychology, creativity, innovation, and branding are changing rapidly.

Free Time in Breathtaking Surroundings

Beyond the classroom, I was surrounded by people who came from all over the world and I realized how can we differ from country to country. I will always remember the beautiful landscapes of Kufstein and the friendly people I met. The vicinity of trains stations provided me with the chance to visit other countries and delving into the rich and diverse history and heritage of Europe.

I personally witnessed the importance of cultural intelligence in conducting relations and business across borders, and I realized that the word “impossible” must be erased from the dictionary as I had the chance to learn from Austria that nothing is impossible.

Living abroad has been an unforgettable challenge, adapting to a new way of life, being able to navigate cultural confluences, and embracing diversity has become the signature in these past months. I feel delighted about the resilience I reached and the independence I experienced. My time at the FH Kufstein Tirol has equipped me with skills that will benefit my present and future endeavors.

Jorge Eduardo Torres Toledo, 
Incoming student summer semester 2023

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility

This exchange scholarship was based on the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project. The funding concentrates on cooperation and exchange with partner universities located in selected countries outside of the EU Member States. The project contributes to strengthening societal links through educational exchanges and mobility, and enables the partner institutions to strengthen their active international cooperation in the field of research and science, expanding mobility in higher education and reinforcing knowledge transfer.


Funding source