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I have found a book with the search engine. How do I locate it on the library premises?

Tied to every printed book is a signature (= code on the spine of a book) and its location within the library. Printed books are organized systematically, meaning they are situated according to their signature.

An overview can be found here. 

Location Building A 1st floor:

  • Fiction, children's and youth literature and biographies

The signatures identify the respective areas. DR stands for fiction, DR.J for the youth area, B the biographies and J indicates a book that is in the children's area.

Within these areas, the books are first sorted by genre and then by author in alphabetical order.

Location Building B 1st floor:

  • Reference and non-fiction book area

Books are sorted alphabetically within this area.

Example: Signature: “QQ 000 C229.” The letters denote the discipline, “Q” stands for “Economics”, “QQ” is the sub-category “Special Economics”, the number sequence “000” is a further sub-category, “General”. The following combination of letters and numbers "C229" is an encoding of the name of the author.

Additional information: The edition is shown in the signature with a number in round brackets and the respective volume is indicated with a minus and a number.

  • DVDs, audio books and board games

DVDs are labelled with the signature TT and are then alphabetically sorted by genre and title of the movie. Children’s movies are have the signature TT.J.

Similarly, all audio books have the signature TD, are then alphabetically sorted by genre and title with children’s audio books being labelled TD.J.

(Children’s) Board games are sorted by their suggested age group.

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