Coding & Digital Design FT
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Business 2: IT Law

level of course unit


Learning outcomes of course unit

The students can
- present general civil and private law aspects of entrepreneurial activity
- analyze common practical problems using concrete case studies
- recognize common IT law issues and apply simple standard solutions

prerequisites and co-requisites


course contents

Teaching basic concepts of private law based on the requirements of professional IT practice, in particular by presenting practical legal cases and jointly developing the legal principles required to solve the respective problems.

The following areas are covered in detail:
- Differentiation between public law and private law
- Company law
- General contract law
- Legal capacity and capacity to act of natural and legal persons and their legal consequences
- Explanations of terms from the most important areas of law
- Relationships between areas of law and IT practice

recommended or required reading

- Bydlinski, Peter: Grundzüge des Privatrechts (f. Österreich).- Manz, 2007
- Posch, Willibald: Bürgerliches Recht (f. Österreich), Internationales Privatrecht.- Springer, 2008
- Kodex- oder Manz Gesetzestexte
- Kosmides, Timoleon: Die Bestimmung der Rechtsnatur von Access-Providing für die Bestimmung der Rechtsfolgen im Störungsfall, in: Taeger/Wiebe (Hrsg.): Tagungsband Herbstakademie 2008: Von AdWords bis - Social Networks – Neue Entwicklungen im Informationsrecht, Edewecht 2008, S. 119–132
- Kosmides, Timoleon: Providing-Verträge. Systematik und Methodologie der Bestimmung von Rechtsnatur und Rechtsfolgen, München 2010
- Zahrnt, Christoph: IT-Projektverträge: Rechtliche Grundlagen, dpunkt, 2008

assessment methods and criteria

final exam

language of instruction


number of ECTS credits allocated


eLearning quota in percent


course-hours-per-week (chw)


planned learning activities and teaching methods

Presentations, group work, presentation and discussion of tasks

semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered


name of lecturer(s)


course unit code


type of course unit

integrated lecture

mode of delivery


work placement(s)
